Published Work
Matthew Van Wagenen and Arnel P. David, "NATO’s Northern Flank: Countering Russia & China Expansion in the Arctic," Real Clear Defense (October 10, 2024).
Arnel P. David and Benjamin Jensen, "NATO and Prototyping Warfare," Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), (July 8, 2024).
Matthew Van Wagenen and Arnel P. David, "A Fiscal Crisis: The West is on the Wrong Side of the Cost Curve," Real Clear Defense, (June 13, 2024).
Matthew Van Wagenen and Arnel P. David, "New NATO Strategy will Usher in a Renaissance in Allied Operations," Real Clear Defense, (June 17, 2023),!
Arnel P. David, "A Quintessential Factor in Strategy Formulation: The Unequal Dialogue," Military Strategy Magazine (Spring 2023), Volume 8, Issue 4, pages 11-15,
Matthew Van Wagenen and Arnel P. David, "Lessons from Ukraine Many Don't Want to Hear," Real Clear Defense (March 11, 2023),
Nicholas Moran and Arnel P. David, "Why Gamers Will Win the Next War," Modern War Institute
Arnel P. David, Sean. a. Acosta, and Dr. Nicholas Krohley, "Getting Competition Wrong: The US Military's Looming Failure," Modern War Institute (3 December 2021)
Arnel P. David and Matthew Van Wagenen, "Strategic Hub of Landpower Builds in the Black Sea Region," Real Clear Defense (October 2020)
Arnel P. David and Matthew Van Wagenen, "Project Convergence: An Arena of Innovative Collaboration," Real Clear Defense (October 2020)
Arnel P. David and Aaron Moore, "Fight Club Prepares Lt Col Maddie Novák for Cross-Dimension Manoeuvre," Mad Science Laboratory (June 17, 2020)
Arnel P. David, David Allen, Dr. Aleksandra Nesic, and Dr. Nicholas Krohley, "Why We Need A Modern Theory of Special Warfare to Thrive in the Human Domain," Wavell Room (May 2020)
Arnel P. David, "A Review of T.E. Lawrence Thinking On War and Education," Book Review on Strategic Education International (May 2020)
Arnel P. David, "CA in the New Age of Durable Disorder," Eunomia Journal (March 30)
Arnel P. David and Dr. John DeRosa, "Wargaming Contested Narratives in an Age of Bewilderment," Strategy Bridge (January 2020)
Arnel P. David, Dr. Aleks Nesic, and Dr. Pat Christian, "Psychological Warfare in the Human Domain: Mixing AI-Powered Technology with Psychological Engagement," Mad Scientist Blog (January 2020)
Arnel P. David, Arika Pierce, and Eric Trexler, " People, Connectivity, and Cybersecurity with Lt Col Arnel David," To The Point - Cyber Security Podcast (October 2019).
Arnel P. David, Dr. Aleks Nesic, and Dr. Pat Christian, "I Know the Sound it Makes When it Lies: AI-Powered Tech to Improve Engagement in the Human Domain," Mad Scientist Blog (September 2019)
Arnel P. David, "Network of Influence: Military Personnel Exchange Program Builds Powerful Connections," Army Magazine (July 2019)
Arnel P. David, Jason Buckley, and Toby Whitmarsh, "Prototype Warfare: Inculcating a Culture of Adaptation in the British Army," Wavell Room (June 2019)
Arnel P. David and Tobias Whitmarsh, "If You are Not First You are Last: Gaining an Adaptive Edge Through Prototype Warfare," War Room (May 2019)
Dr. Aleks Nesic and Arnel P. David, "Operationalizing the Science of the Human Domain in Great Power Competition for Special Operations Forces," Small Wars Journal (April 2019)
Dr. W.A Rivera and Arnel P. David, "Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Lethality," Small Wars Journal (February 2019)
Arnel P. David and John McElligott, "Strategy in the 21st Century," One CA Podcast (January 2019)
Neil Hollenbeck, Arnel P. David, and Benjamin Jensen, "Thinking Differently About the Business of War," Joint Force Quarterly 92 (January 2019),
Arnel P. David and Dr. Shawn Walsh, "Revolutionizing the Institutional Army," Real Clear Defense (May 2018),
Arnel P. David and Dr. Hilary Matfess, "Navigating Human Terrain with GPS (Gender, Peace, and Security) in Western Africa," Real Clear Defense (April 2018),
Charles T. Cleveland, Dr. Benjamin Jensen, Arnel P. David, and Dr. Susan Bryant, Military Strategy in the 21st Century: People, Connectivity, and Competition (NY: Cambria Press, 2018).
Arnel P. David, "Winning the War of Perceptions in Afghanistan and Beyond," Real Clear Defense (February 2018),
Arnel P. David and Eliza Urwin, "Engineering Peace: Translating Tactical Success into Political Order," Civil Affairs: A Force for Consolidating Gains Vol. 4 ed. Christopher Holshek (Carlisle: PKSKOI, 2018),
Dr. Benjamin Jensen, Neil Hollenbeck, and Arnel David, "A Business Approach to America's Warfighting Model," War on the Rocks (August 2017),
Arnel P. David and Clay Daniels, "Strategic Misfire: The Army's Planned Reduction of Civil Affairs Forces," Foreign Policy (May 2016),
Arnel P. David, "Renewed Relevance: CA Develop Human Networks for Effective Engagement," Civil Affairs: A Force for Engagement and Conflict Prevention Vol. 2, ed. Christopher Holshek (Carlisle: PSKOI, 2016),
Arnel P. David, "A New Way of Warfare: The Strategic Logic of Harnessing Non-Violent Combat," Small Wars Journal (2015),
Arnel P. David, "Civil Society Engagement in the Sulu Archipelago: Mobilizing Vibrant Networks to Win the Peace," (Master's Thesis, Local Dynamics of War Scholars Program, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, 2013),
Arnel P. David, Lucas Overstreet, and Wesley Strong, "Civil Affairs Forces in CENTCOM: Building the SOF Enterprise Through Partnerships," Special Warfare Magazine Vol. 25 (April-June 2012),